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2011 bear season:


getting ready to go on a bear hunt with Makwa River Outfitters in Saskatchewan, Canada
getting ready to go on a bear hunt with Makwa River Outfitters in Saskatchewan, Canada

Great weather weather to start our 2011 black bear hunt in Saskatchewan with Makwa River Outfitters.

Here we are ready to go out on our first day.

First day - May 9, 2011 .. about 20 bear seen between the 7 hunters here... everyone having a great time but no bear taken today.

Second day - May 10, 2011 - two bear taken

black bear hunt with Makwa River Outfitters in Saskatchewan, Canada
black bear hunt with Makwa River Outfitters in Saskatchewan, Canada

May 10/11 Park & Jerry


Steve's bear is a nice, there is no doubt, but Kyle's bear wins this round hands down!  He is an incredible rich dark chocolate color phase weighing in at 405 pounds . that is a BIG BEAR for this early in the spring (they have just come out of their dens and haven't had a time to eat a lot.  By July, this bear would weigh at least 600 pounds!  Woo hoo... good job Kyle!

chocolate color phase black bear with Makwa River Outfitters in Saskatchewan, Canada
chocolate color phase black bear with Makwa River Outfitters in Saskatchewan, Canada

May 12/11 Kyle

black bear on hunt with Makwa River Outfitters in Saskatchewan, Canada
view from a tree stand at black bear hunt with Makwa River Outfitters in Saskatchewan, Canada

May 12/11 Steve

black bear on hunt with Makwa River Outfitters in Saskatchewan, Canada

May 13/11 Rod

Monday, May 16, 2011 ... what a good day.  There were no bear taken but everyone saw bear.  Bob saw about 12 bear (including a sow and 2 "fur ball" cubs... what entertainment they were).  Jack saw 10 bear including 1 decent chocolate bear.  Craig and Ricky each saw one bear.  All in a good bear hunting day in Saskatchewan.

enjoying a meal during a black bear hunt with Makwa River Outfitters in Saskatchewan, Canada

Meal time.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011 .. another good day.  Craig saw 5 bear, Jack saw 11 bear and Bob saw 3 bear including a really big black bear that snuck up on him but he couldn't get a shot at him.  Ricky and Jack took bear today.

black bear on hunt with Makwa River Outfitters in Saskatchewan, Canada
black bear on hunt with Makwa River Outfitters in Saskatchewan, Canada

May 17/11 Ricky and Jack

black bear on hunt with Makwa River Outfitters in Saskatchewan, Canada
black bear on hunt with Makwa River Outfitters in Saskatchewan, Canada

May 17 /11 Bob and Craig

black bear on hunt with Makwa River Outfitters in Saskatchewan, Canada
after the black bear hunt with Makwa River Outfitters in Saskatchewan, Canada

May 24/11 Dale

This is a very dark chocolate bear (looks black in the photo).  After Dale took this bear and while he was up in the treestand, he saw another bear ...  an incredible jet black bear that he estimated weighed 450 pounds .. that is a "monster bear" for this early in the spring!  He has rebooked for next spring with every intention of going home with that bear in 2012!

Coincidentally,  a day or so later, the guides found the footprints of a really big bear close by.

black bear on hunt with Makwa River Outfitters in Saskatchewan, Canada

Footprint of a large bear ... note how deep the print goes into the soil indicating it is a heavy bear.

black bear on hunt with Makwa River Outfitters in Saskatchewan, Canada

May 24 /11 Brent

Here is Brent, Pro Staffer for All-Bear TV with host and producer, Danny Leonard (with the camera).  Congratulations Brent!  Making a picture-perfect bow shot on a beautiful 370 pound Bruin for your first bear ever is something to be very proud of and it made a great show!  

Here is an email from Brent:  "Hi Kathy, This is Brent Sivnksty, I just wanted you to know that it looks like my bear will make the Pope and Young record book!  I am really excited about that.  I have to have it officially scored by a P&Y representative but it should make it easily.  I really enjoyed my time with you guys, please tell Walker and Barry hello for me.  Brent"

black bear on hunt with Makwa River Outfitters in Saskatchewan, Canada

Tree chewed up by bear.

black bear on hunt with Makwa River Outfitters in Saskatchewan, Canada

May 26/11 Danny

That concludes our 2011 spring black bear hunt in Saskatchewan with Makwa River Outfitters

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